Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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TWELVE THE EVANSVILLE SA'l UKDA JANUARY 17-iyd3 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Aeiwer Selling Flurry Hits Stock Prices Grains Lose KEf ISSUES New York Stock Quotations BOARD OF TRADE uaaatQrana- ara aa Total Sales Yesterday: 1710000 Shares Co jgfir ThaaiMN tad MrKlaaaa I AMI Halnia llif Jan IS US felose Ooodiieb Goodyear Oraham-Falae Ol Nor Ore 18 I Southern Co 3 South S'biSouib 14 i South Fae 10 301 25 Hr DECLINE FOLLOWS TKE-DAY BALLY H'ljsouth Rr 12 Sperm Com 37 Bpieef Ine UlilStd Brands REGAIN GIG PARI OF FOSSES LATER 44 31 73 38 3 Ot Nor Pfd Greyhound Com Oulf MobUe Gulf OH Hat Com Holly Buaar Bcmeiitake 1-Heih COUNTY COURT RECORDS XrW Sl-ITS FILED CIRCUIT I Loren Enallsh et ol vs Oran Skelton uit for Judgement (John Bunnerl t-l-i kai vraina Clark divorre 'Albert Kuei SUPERIOR Mary Marjorie McCrarey vs Roland McCrarey dlvorca (Ja nee Loppi Riverside Supply company Ine vs Olden Richardson suit for judgement (John Bunnerl John Brown vs Hildadean Busby complaint for property damaeea (Edwin Smilhl Commercial Credit corporation vs Rachel Arnett at al suit on account (Edwin Smith) Unlvenal CIT Credit Corporation vs Chris Huber complaint In rtplavln (Arthur Griffith) PROBATE Marthn Bitter vi Frank A Bitter divorce (Rice and Cheatham) Huso CoUloaon vs Donald Crone ot ol complaint for personal injuries tP Wendell Lansing) CIRCUIT COURT State vs: Jay Kelly asiault and battery with Intent to murder by euttm on written motion of elate cause dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence lien released Claude Lester Bland foroery of check endorsem*nt Frank Flab appears as eo-motlon ol de- Job 3 Vivian Falkenber driving vehicle while intoxicated act for trial Feb 19 defendant reaueats tria by Jury Larin Jtiely special Judes Chester Earl Smith faUure to provide Bid Oil Cal Std Oil Id Id OU Std Oil Ohio Btd Steel Sp Bterlln Dru li 18 37i 14e 54 11L I 18 85T Houston Oil Hudson Motor 17 Btew-Wamer 4Btudebaker IBunray OU 4 'Swift ft Co Bylvanla Eteo 40 First street anemia-carcinoma ef pane cress Leote Jenkins SO ta Adams avenue eerebre-vascular accident Wilburn Henry Menke 44 4IT Enlow avenue coronary Insuifirlenry George Tullls 58 Richland cerebral hemorrhage John Calvin Handley 42 3tl North Lin-wood avenue coronary Insufficiency Lee Eger 80 503 Lewis avenue coronary occlusion Arthur Palmer 73 1420 Kathryn avenue cardlo vascular disease Thomas Earl Nelson 41 1811 Uhlhom street coronary occlusion Elisabetn Krletrmeyer 78 fc bronchial pneumonia Nancy Ann dlroud 4 Tell City cerebral contusion Sherman Pat Ooodwln 58 1807 Rhanklin avenue coronary thrombosis Eddie Milton Ward 0 days 010 North Elliott -(reel prematurity Walter Rabon 54 Hit Dresden street hypertensive vascuiar disease I Charles Scholl 12 Vendome betel coronary occlusion Ida Xabre 82 311 East Michigan street carcinoma of uiarus Melvin FT Bertram 52 915 Lodsa avenue myocardial Infraction Malissln Catharine Gardner 88 Newburgh fractured left Mp Helen 4eyne Pierson 5 months 1411 Ewing avenue bronchopneumonia Grover Cleveland Johnson 87 410-B Southeast Third street coronary occlusion Earl (Bud) Easier 39 325B East lew nessee street acute coronary thrombosis James Edgar Butler 84 815 Washington avenue carcinoma pancreatic James Rickey Wagner 3 hours 1301 Fountain avenue congenital atelectasis Russell Gould Card SO 1704 Ewing avenue pneumonia Anna Catherine Moll 01 000 First avenue arteriosclerotic heart and vascular dleease Eleanor Diana Kell 3 days Darmstadt congenital heart disease James Heubner 3 Oak Hill road 'oiiary thrombosis Verna Alley 74 2320 Glencova avenua cerebroraseular accident Wilbert Wiley Finney 02 034 East Gum street pneumonia Bailie Jane Brems 73 1307 North Heideb bach avenue multiple myeloma 141 41 33' 158 'Abbott Lab jAdmlral Radi Allied Che ib Allied Storm Aluminum Cm Amn Airlines Am Can Am Car a Fdr Am Crnamld Amsr Gas a Else Corn ft 4l ft 774 15 34 23 Si 37 35 54 151 Vs 23 302 5 54 731-5 36s I12Vft 30s 30a 64 50 ACROSS Enormous Expression ol sorrow Relsnlng beauty 10 Stops 12 Comes in 14 Small blast on a whistle 15 Close to If Enough fdiall IB titla 19 Rumberged 21 Quicker 23 Attempt 34 Cravat 25 Appears 26 Clan 33 Ancient 34 Large carting vehicle ir4 45 535 10 231ft 37 13 January Soybeans Suffer Most in Session Marked By Slow Trading By WILLIAM FERRIS CHICAGO Jan 16 Uh Grains wound up the week with a lower trend on the board of trade today with trading rather slow Losses were not severe except in the case ot January soybeans which dropped more than 3 cents There were 242000 bushels of cash Texas Corp Texas Land Tide A Oil Timken Transamerica Trl-Cont 30th Cen Fox Underwood Corp Union Carb Union Oil at Cnllf Calm Recovery Follows Squall AP Average Down 50 Cents NEW YORK Jan 16 A brief phase of acute weakness to pay In the stock market was followed by a recovery that erased portion of the loss The whole thins lasted but a few minutes with prices being knocked down right and left hut OVPr cam recovery ohu Spirit- Food! Brndtx Avn lrt Food feth Birr) Am Loco Am Rad a Am a-nslt Am St Fdlss Am Buaar Am a Am Tob Amn Woolen Anaconda Armco Steel Armour a Co Ahlandnolltrl Atchison At! CLina Atlas Corj Atlantic Ref Alla enrp Avco Mfg enaued Tied to flevelopmentn Trie fall was tied in to a number for children under 14 by lcnvo of court withdraws formar plea of Inplea of suiliy on ra defendant withdraws formar pie nocent a plea of auilty on ds plea of guilty sentenced to state lorinatory for 1-7 1-7 years suspended on re- con- hesni Jalivsmil Tnnam dltlon defendant pays 5200 now and Blossom ill' delivered on January COT-1 per week support of minor cluldreu 1 31 Northern 35 Latvia) Shop 9 Animals 11 Asterisk 13 Pliable 17 Remain In readiness 30 American humorist 33 Varying weight India) 38 Cut trass 27 Killed 30 Climbing plant 4 Centere 0 Network 51 Mend as a bone DOWM Hazara High imui) 3 Smooth and glossy 4 Gull-Ukc bird 5 Exclamation Monetary unit 1 Above 30 Lesser barnn 31 Performs 33 Unit of messure 35 8oared aloft 30 Sink 37 Fat 35 Citrus fruit 41 Wharf 44 Place 40 Assam silkworm (varl 46 Music note 35 Union Pao 304 United Aircraft i United Air Lines -United Corp OJe United Fruit 1ie Un Gas Imp 22 Pipe ft 127 8 Rubber 354 Steel 354 04 i Vanadium I 31 Ward Bakin 24 Warner Bros 15 'West Ky Coal 304 West Penn Sect 30 jWest Union A 2 West Air Broke 3 I Wcatln Elec Steel White Motors 23 IWillya Overland i Wilson ft Co 35r- I Wool worth constellation 36 Tennis stroke 45 Walk through water 43 Officer commending (abbr) 43 Female sheep 45 An lnstsnt 47 River (Oar) 30 43 41 105 13 20 364 ft: ss 31 MEDITATIONS By tracts contributing to the weak-'potted on probations! department of court ness dt that month I Mae Black grand larceny by followed Rally (leave ot court defendant withdraws plea The decline followed a three-day IS 1SS fiS? Was not tOO surprising Traders I plea of guilty sentenced to women noted no contracts went below the prison for six months nned ii and costs all suspended paroled to probatlonal de-Keasonal lows established early pertinent ot court for six months lien re-Tuesday Selling by traders who lod John Preston Hutchinson grand larceny wanted to DC out or the market by leave of court defendant withdraw! lor-over the week end was a factor in Bir Of Innocent of Brand larceny vu i stale files an amended affidavit charging tfie Slump I petit larceny defendant walvee arralen- 1 t'JT 6 I l0WV Sft'of ll-ll lower oats I-i lower ryelstata farm for six months lined 61 and L1 2 to 3i -uMrft niirteui Crl trMd UreB7 lower and isrd 2 to 10 cents A by ligvi of court defendani withdraws lor- hUSd SrSjt1rVeioheA their AlOSt contracts reacnea tneir petit larceny oefendant walvee arraign- lnurt shout midwAV in the mom-1 enl and anters a plea of guilty on lows BDcnii miuway lnifie ituhti defendBn pic o( (ulty sentenced to ing Rt about the same time stocks I women's prison for six months fined II -d on good behavior department of court at New York were taking a him-lcot Worthlnton Toun Rheet Tsntth Radio VITAL STATISTICS Births Deaconess Hssoltal Mr and Mn James William Farmer Jf 24 East Florida street daughter bo rah Kay Mr and Mr Vrrnon Marlon Glbbe of 1312-A Rideway avenue eon Richard Berfard Mr and Mrs John Paul Jones of 1329 Keller suvet eon Keith Michael 70 50t 50 ft: ft: 104 31 10 Hupp Motor mil Central Inland Steel Inspiration Cop 951a ilnl Harvester Nickel 43 Int Paper Iirt Tj Jones ft Lgh Job Manufacturing anville Kelaey-Hayes 1 32 Kenneeott 30 iKresee OK Kroeer ft Jo Laclede McN ft 39' Li ft My Cl's Lockheed Corp 36iLoew's 551 Lion Oil 42s Lorlllard 5V Lou ft Naih 78: 22 Manavox 39 'Marshall Flit 24 Martin Glenn 15' i May Dept Stores 16Miami Cop Mldcnt Pet IMoosanto Mont ward 50 Nash Kelv 357ft! Nat A Jto riber 17a Nat Biscuit )4 Nat Cash Ro JlNat Dairy 30 Nat Distillers 15NatlonaI Steal 18Nat Sup 92 iN Central 924: Amn Avn 112' 4 No Amn Co 45 i No Peclflo 19 til 14 'Ohio Oil 31 lOllver Carp 34 Owens-Blinnie Glass 34 '-4 1 30'siPaelfie Llhtln SO Packard 45 i Pan Am Air 104Paramt Pie Mis' Penn TO' Peps 1-Cola 31 Pfeiffer Brew Co 33'Pheips Dodo 16Phllco 7 Phil Morris a Phillips Pete Procter ft 29! Pullman 0 Pure Oil 20 Purity Bak 3 42 Radio 04 Rodio-K-PiO Rem Rand 27k Reo Vol 45 Republic Are 55 Reyn Tob 314 1 Repub St iRIchflrld OU 24i 30 St L-Ban Fran Ry 41 St Reis Paper 24 V4 1 Sehenlev Dial iSears Roebuck ll'Viettr Refri 74 Bervel Ine 70 iflhcll Union 53 Simmons Co M's 'Sinclair OU 334 iBkelly Oil 35'Socony Vacuum Good boo SAf MAM CAIN7 LIVE IW BRAED ALONb BUT HE 5Ho7 60T -To have some brald'1 ANKO RTOCK FXCH By Thomson aod McKinnon Cnlse Ar kNat Oas MHlCosden Pete 1 or developments among them thelgj?" raising of the rediscount rate by the Federal Reserve to 2 per cent from per cent The mover traditionally portends reflation or as the Reserve Board said it Has the effect of possible inflation pressures" Trading started briskly with prices unchanged to lower An easier tendency soon developed and just after the start of the third hour the selling broke loose Slow Recovery When the selling had spent itself the market became quiet and then It began a slow recovery Some key stocks regained as much as half of their worst loss Near the close a few plus signs ponped into view The Associated Press average of 60 storks lost 50 cents and closed at SI 1380 with the industrial com-ponent off 40 cents the railroads off SO rents and the utilities off 30 cents Volume amounted to 1710000 shares a surprisingly modest total considering the pressure that built up on the selling side at one time The American Stock exchange was lower with trading amounting to 530000 shares as compared with 570000 shares traded TTnirsday ES DOWJOXER STOCK AVERAGE! Bridgeport Brics Budd Burrousha BuUer Cslumet Canadian Caterpillar Celanrso Celolez Cert Chomp Chss ft Chlcaao Chi ft Chrysler Cities Coca-Cola Col Fuel Colum om omwlth Cons Cont Cont Cont Cont Oil CORN Crane Crucible Cub-Am Curtis Deere Detroit Dome Dnuslaa Dow Du Pont East Air Eastman Elec Erie Fair Fllntkote 5 344 530 Mr and Mra Henry Clifford Prcher of 4BUBfcter JK Mr and Mrs GeorieWsrner8snds of mow Ml 55BUI VI ft East Blackford avenue garet Lynne Crown Cent Fete Elec Bond ft Share Fairchild En ft Avia salable lor six months To Inrreiu Feeding Jeroms I Balm ys 1 FeeJin I Jcroma Balm vs Pete Mine Ezpl Refineries Hess Bore-Wtrner Brass Mf Buryrus-Erla Co Add Itch Bros ft Pse Tractor Corp Prod Paper Ohio Corp Service Colnate-Pal ft Iron Gee Solvents Edison Conc-Nalr Edison Bak Can Motors Del Prod Rff Co Co Steel Ruoar Pub CurUss-Wr ft Co Mlrh Btova Mines Alro Chemical Lines Kodak Auto-Lite Common Mono Freeport Sulphur Co Fruehauf Trailer Gslr Robt Oamblr-Skosme Gen Electric Oen Foods Gen Motors Olllotte Safety Raeor Glldden 11 60 5 10 304 324 105 ft: I Niles Bement pacific Pete MJi Pantepee Oil Iirnerl-tl Oil International Kaiser Prasrr Lake Shore La Land ft Mead Johnson 'Midwest National Bellas Pi 5 43 14 ft! 31-10 ll'i 105? 3ii4i3 06 15ftl9 3i Pioneer Onld Rnvellte Oil Schulte A So Ind Oas Elec Pre Starrett Corp Strrlin Brew 57 43 00 33 37 10 42 404 01 Technicolor Tlh man Realty JytoWeet Indiana street son Stephen Jil Mre Jams Hollis Eullenger of 320 West Missouri ion James Neal Mr nod Mrs Norman John Bchuta of Korman Johll Richard Francis McCarthy Janfce ElainV ianfrpK? Ionard Frd of Ann Virginia street daughter Xu 81 Mary's Hespltal Mr and Mrs Ralph Robert Caputo ot RsfphW Loul1na lire eon Michael Mr and Mrs Frank Haasel of 1700 Edson street deuhtar Patricia Ann -Mr 8nd Mrs George Herbert Bchaad Louisiana street son Larry Mr and Mrs Thomas Leroy Weir-of 772 Line street daughter Catherine Lee Mr and Mrs Charles Joseph Alice of Jark ranklln street son Charles -Mr and Mra Howard Jeffersen Morris of 814 West Delaware street daughter Jane flip ind Robert Ennli Sachs of 73S-A South Norman avenua daughter Keren Arne Albert Lee Mattingly af 5117 Strlagtown road eon William Joseph: Mr and Mrs Jack Raymond Ogden of 20 West Missouri street daughter Margaret Irene Mrand Mr Warren Joseph Wilhelm ot 1728 South East Boulevard von Jeffrey Mark Mr and Mrs Francis Bernard Dalton of 1318-C Ridgway rour son Scon Lewis Mr and Mrs Kenneth Edwin Miles of 1801 Aviation avenue daughter Rebecca Jeanna Mr and Mrs Buddy Richard Dile of 1351 Mesker drive daughter Kathleen Marie Mr and Mra Charles Edward Klaser of 1004 North Governor atraat daughter Dawn Busan Mr and Mrs Leroy Matthew Weiss ef 4 son Frederick Keith Mr and Mrs Apapito Etaeres Emmanuel of 005 Vann Ness avenue daughter Linda Victoria Mr and Mrs Harding Vanderbilt Thomas of 314 Test Cherry sireeb son Kendall Vanderbilt Mr and Mr David Walter Gross of Mt Vernon dauenter Debra Kay Mr and Mrs Horace Lett Jr of 3414 Ea-t Columbia street son Bruce Douglas! Mr and Mra Qunilin Martin Ernst sr of 1 son Qulntln Msrtln Mr and Mrs Maruice David Fitagtrald 01 924 Baiai-d park drive daughter' Martha Mr and Mra Gerald Martin Phillips ef 2028 Last Glacktern avenue daughter Janet Lee Mr and Mrs Lester John Reinhart of 403 North Garvin street son Lawrence AMER STOCK Hannah Balm Kahn The learby0 cTo tract ral- KBhn de lied quite briskly from this mU- tiJSSA1 TO Off March ending more than a lfendaosi motion to strike ports ot omsndcd nant ahAuA fh Hav's lowc TTy eomplolflt It irt ior Jan 31 cenc aoove me nays juws Bundy Realty company vi Royal tremely cold weather in parts Of Honey defendant files motion to make the com belt helped this rally tfittSden-it was expected to increase feed- gall defendant files motion to sinks pans ing of com to livestock compltlnU or rumnl r- Aside from cash deliveries soy- Ruth Fenwick va Orvllla Fenwick H(ar nnitirn defendant appear In person agreed entry tjeans were under pressure defendant orderaa to pay 055 per week CUase Of a rumor the Commodity support of plaintiff and minor children was eollincr Ibeglnnln Jan 17 plaintiff to havt poa- Credit corporation was seuingi eMjon automobile defendant some Of its holdings Of cottonseed to pay attorney fees restraining order oil at sharply reduced prices Tbit 1DMAlSen vs Evansville city rumor was denied by agriculture Coach Lines' Inc Ortmeyer Bamberger department officials before the fSSSST PPMr session closed but the denial I seH Allen vk Evanavllle City Coach failed to rally bean prices Retd "Kearns vs amis Mielton trial Lard eased on a continued chmbl Kearns James anelton trial in local lard supplies The Commmiwealth Loan company Ine vs nnur 94 299 151 Dounds compared James Lynn et ai plaluutf file at-O to proceeding supplemental sat for with 20612903 a year ago Ijan si Tv fLm osish market com sold Un Clsir Clark vi Vlrslola Clarki in tne casn marttei order ot pubucatlon disinterested person changed to 1 cent lower while cnaries a pueher oats were down about a similar) vo Thorne amount Bennam pialnuil chum enuea to Oiocon couniy By Thomson A MrKInnen Tnriitsirlal 37 17 off 101 Railroads IDS 04 off Utilities 5106 off jOI 408 Red sert on Chrle Mr and Mrs Monte Richard Taylor of 2813-A Strlntown road daughter bionics and Mrs Joseph Walter Unfrled 117 Eait Oregon street daughter Cheryl Mr and Mra John Albert Wilson of 11 Jefferson avenue eon John Allen Mr ana Mrs Kelvi Lamb Bennett of 700 Mirhlgan street daughter Fraacii Anthony Mr and Mra Lea Boyd Eplty of 1113 Oregon street eo-i Richard Lee Mr and Mrs Robert Ferry Rudlalfl of Cynthlena road daughter Sandra Darlene Mr and lire William Branoo of Dwlng street daughter Carol Sue Mr and Mrs Earl Prancls Gofflnet of Newburgh son Douglas Jerome Mr and Mrs Herman Charles Schneider of 014 North Third avenue son Terry Allen Mr and Mra Thorns Richard Beavrn of 1643-B Division street son Eelly Thomas Mr and Mrs Martin Joseph Duroehhola Boonvill highway daughter Janet Catharine Mr and Mra John Thurnner Haddan of Old State road son John Turaner Mr and Mrs Gilbert Marlin of Newburgh sou Donald Oana Mr and Mrs Austin Harl of 731 divert avenue son Phillip Alan Mr and Mrs James Amos Jones of 1316 East Louisiana street son James Marks Mr and Mra John Holly ot 1410 Kathryn avenua son Jerry Ray Mr and Mrs Carson Llayd Pollard of Albion 111 daughter Mary Sua Mr and Mra James Milton Ward et 910 North klllott street ion Edward Milton Mr and Mr James Milton Ward ef 010 North Elliot street son William Dean Mr and Mrs George Thomas Beck Jr of 001 College highway daughter Holly Mr and Mra Boy Lee Bell ef Mt Vernon son Douglas Lea Mr nd Mra Joseph Frank Craig ef Tell City son Dwight Terry Mr and Mra Owen Earl Dhonaw sr of 2304 Garrison avenue son David Allan Mr and Mre Alfred Bchweikarih of FXCH WARRANTS By Thomson and McKinnon so Close lii Atlas Corp 7 ji Trl Cont Corp 46 50 I 24 MIDWEST STOCK FXCH 13 By Thomson and McKinnon I Clou 33Brrhoff Brew 6 41 Central ft Corp 20 C'j Cnmv Edlium 34e 30i8wlft ft Co 37 I'eyc (UeNseeS Or TSe OsO em await Im Trae Mag dht (w BOND MARKET NEW YORK Jen IS The rnr-rsio bond market continued week I decline today while lovemment oh nations etruacled in vain to recover early markdown All 8 government oblleatlona were marked down sharply at lha openina of ever-the-eounler tradina and moat iiaue climbed Irreaularly from then on Volume totaled 3010000 par value com 13340000 Thuradl Bor Ion list Bared with 000 Thursday Tradina Hog Prices at Local ards Advance 25 to 50 Cents GRAIN FUTURES hour until the final houi tfl'FKBIOIL COIJU Raymond oarer vs Clauds Bullock attend ant lues answer plaimui' amended comiualni Miiiard A Nance ot al vs William enermau dismissed on pialnuil a morn at plain tins cost wtih prejiuuct Boooy Lae Horton vi corsna a Horton reset Mr Jan vaneoa Brioay vs Loron Brlody Rice and cuealnam appear mt deisnoant ana lues cross complaint saana sueners va Wilhelm Richsrt contempt niamissea on pnuaiiii mouou umu us cuiuulisuien Wisuuiaisis Mary Manorle McCrarey vs Roland E- ccrarey plain tilt iue petition lor reliei and restraining oruar wituoui nutica grans- BO kiL lOf i MU ll Loribi kchmu Albert BuHutw ureia ntrT puuuiUi to neve cueioay cm minor cnuareOv ueiendeni 10 eve canureu Ab ail reAMWAuU umei oeiencunb bo to mostly 0100 lower with those above 100 lba dl'counted to welsht: ewes steady CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (AP) USDA Salable hogs 13100: choice 170-230 lb butchers 61975-19 CO numerous loads 150-320 lb 1025-10 50: most sales 230-250 lbs 01050-10 00 250-2 0 lbs 51025-1075 350-315 lbs 1750-1525: load around 340 lbs 01735: cholca sows 335-550 lb 01535-1675: heavier lows 01500 down Salable ealtlc 1000: salable calves 300: few head choice steers sold up to 92000: load mixed good and cholca 1000 lb 02500: (ew cutler to steers was at a brisk pace nen relatively few bond chanced hand The woll cnodR market was dull A GOVERNMENT RONDS (Derimala Indicate KndH Bond Rid Asked 3 June 1543-14 0523 1025 1555-60 10212 10220 2'- Kept 154S-50 0511 06 23 2i June 151 5120 5924 2'S pee 1550-02 0700 97 4 3' 1960-65 10S3II 10029 1985-76 55 9534 9'rS Sept If -73 9510 9530 3109 Dee I'l 9514 1516 DOW-JO ROND AVERAGES By Thomson 4k MrKInnen Bond 5537 off 27 Higher ersde rills 5925 off 4H Second nrarie rails 5540 off 30 9770 off 10 0705 Off 15 04 40 off 52 1014-D East Michigan street son Danny A1n- Michael Mr and Mrs Gordon Odell Grars of Mr and Mrs Maruice Eugene Hadley nf Las) Columbia street son Gerald Boonville ion Michael Wayne eii 3 94 4 1 Open March 3-I1S May 335 July March May July March 01 May July 7J Be pi- 001 105 JlllV 1-08 8ept 107 Jan 0 March 000 May LOOSE LARD Jan 3 04 March 300 May 396 (By lr 8 Department of Agriculture) Active trading developed for Union Stock yards Barrows and gilts were 25 to 50 cents higher Choice 1 2 and 3' from 170 to 230 pounds brought $19 to $1950 the $1950 price for choice 1 and 2 around 180 to 220 pounds A few loads of choice mostly 1 around 190 to 210 pounds realized $1960 to $1975 A light supply of slaughter steers and heifers cashed at weak prices Cows were weak to 50 cents lower and bull prices were wpak Vealers were weak to mostly $1 lower Slaughter lambs and ewes reamined scarce but were quotable steady For the week: Lightweight slaughter steers and heifers were The True Value Store- WEST SIOE HARDWARE 2233 West Franklin St Phone 2-2781 Markets at A Glance to low- choice heifers 01700-2350: utility and commercial cowa 01350-1000 few above 51500 eeurers and cutters 51100-1350: mostly 01150 up few cutter and utility cowe 51375-140): utility and commercial bulls 5is50-19no good to prime vealers 2000-3100 utility and commercial 01600 2100 Salabla sheep 1500: market on several load fed slaughter iambs and one load fed yearlings not established undertone dull slaughter ewee 700-050 on cull to choice INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Hogs 10000 opened active 35 to 50 higher later less active pert jf advance lost choice 170-250 lbs 51900-1116 few loads 52000 to shippers: later little over 11050: 250-250 lba 51525-1025 heavier weight 1700-1500 120-180 lb firm at 01500- 1650: sows about steady cholca 300400 300: slow steers and yearling! poorly teated: but few ealee weak to lower cows opening ghoul steady at recent sharp decline: a few commer good native steer and helf rearlings ei'er'ind good' native steer and heifer Starlings 1700-M50 8Vi Mr and Mrs Porter Earl McDaniel of 1013 South Grand avenue daughter Diane Lee Mr and Mrs James Oliver Darden er' of 2 East Keller street son James Oliver Mr and Mre Billy Famum Miller of 3431 W-st Pennsylvania street daughter Shelia Kaye Mr and Mrs Anthony John Wlldeman of 13 son Thomas Joseph Mr and Mra Will Edward Bryant of Boonville daughter Virginia Lee Mr and Mrs Forest Leon Whalin of 7 Adans avenua daughter Patricia Lyun Mr and Mrs Harold Drake Pettus of 1325 Allen's Lane son Barry Drake Mr and Mra Georg Edward Smith' of 1507 Cass avenue son George Bernard Mr and Mrs Leamond Frank Johnson ot 210 Wasgner avenua daughter Rose Ellen DEATHS Minnie Willem 74 800 North Fulton aveneue squamous cell carcinoma ot uterus Timothy Knight one day Mt Vernon: prematurity Emma Jansen 81 413 East Elchel avenue cardlo vascular disease Cnaries Vollman 38 1824 South Bed-ns ford svtntr coronary thrombosis Ijg) 'vs gtauiirj vwiwuai) Mr and Mrs Robert Peyton Reynolds of 2854 Claremont avenue damhtar Susan Elaine Mr and Mra Floyd Spencer of 1513 South Vann avenua son Keith Allen Mr and Mrs Kenneth Allen Huebnar of Green river road son Herbert Joe Mr and Mrs Lea Lorlng Murray of 2158 East Mulberry street son James Fisher Mr and Mrs Eddie LcavsU ol 431 Oak street daughter Janet Fay Mr and Mrs Joa Crawford Jr of 800 Vanderbugh avenue daughter Delores Ann Mr ana Mrs Edward Lewli Johnson of Newburgh daughter Mary Ann Mr and Mrs Clarence Edward Neol of 3215 West Indiana street son Lorry Wayne Mr and Mrs William Buford Newman 4413 Flekas road son Jeffrey Buford Mr and Mrs Ruben Eugeno Shrove of 355V Sunnymeade court daughter Deborah 8ue Mr and Mrs Alfred Ell Wlngernhelmer of 720 North Twelfth avenua son Steven Ray Mr and Mra Ralph Ohland Ball of 5C Vermin son Ralph David Mr and Mrs Raymond Bracher of Boon-ville daughter Diana Kaye Mr and Mrs Herman Marker of 021 East Maryland street daughter Glenda Faya Mr and Mrs Ronald Alvin Jansen of 1021 Harding avenue son Mark Hassell Mr and Mrs Wilbur Kron of 7 too the Now Greatly Improved FORD TRACTOR Came In sad Examine (he AMAZING NEW PROOF-METER UNIVERSAL TRACTOR SALES juorene Haller ve Raymond Car ucssuuaus appeasa peisou oe- fendant to pay 510 per week lor support oi Plainuix beginning Jan It ressrauuna er contuiucu Uoroioy Bcuerar va Walter Bcherer Owen Wiluam appears -lor detenu ant Joan si Bternemsn vs James a neyu-olns daienuant motion to rsaulra piain-Uit to separate paraarapna compiaius overruleo nned to aueaer Jan jj Henna ft morion vs Harvey nanism (Be Isleheart Bras) lei as uetenoaus sues musUiu ior chans No 3 red winter wheat at Evans- Vnu from county court names tsioaon 1 Posey warrics oelenoaui asruea Posey Auurcy a uimui wmiim boweia bt Ai ueieudenb adcoot cuocrtle owp cumPAny iiif pica iu ebutoumu COtki icivu ulviAwai Carolyn Louisa Warn Police uwiAiU i amovuiiIoU) xiUA ui AnAer exkeuocb to Uu Henry Lous RoUey ve HennU Gate same villa' Price at station 5300 aOTBEANE (By Mrfsrtr Seed Co) Blark ana brown 14 per cent moUture 1240 bushel: yellow 14 per cent moisture (273 per bushel CHICAGO C4BH GRAIN I CASH NoT 2 yellow tj 82 -103 No 3 HBW YORK Lower selling flurry in best demand at prices uneven- steady to 50 cents lower weakens list ly steady to 50 cents Phene t-Ntt 1731 Fraaklia SI 8157-103: No 4 governments liquidation Authorized BERft i BONUS Easy give around COTTON Lower and hedging CHICAGO WHEAT Easy mild liquidation CORN Easy recovered part of losses before close Easy with corn Weak more cash deliveries on January contracts Strong to mostly 25 cents higher top $1950 CATTLE Steady to weak i low commercial cowa 13 00-1600 can-ners and cutters Sll00-1350 vesler steady choice and prime 3100-35 00 Sheep 8o slaughter lambs weak early top iocdWlHte7c malting tl 35-1 1 I appears 'ior deienueni tern- Nominal malting tiio-iai -(! entry pendent nto inon lambs 3200 few choice and prims slxs-l hundreriweleht nom-1 seuua cones bkw JoneSi lives 12260 down choice and prim weBtciovJr 9005: red too I ditmuted on plaintiti'i motion at plainuii lb naUve wimd ambi JMJIJ) (38 00-39 00: slslke (28 00-2900: timothy i bmm uramev BuiU Homn 513 00-13 50: red rlover 12 50-2950 nevle reie breniey nueu stomei None Bradley trial vacated io 1 uoris jtaa ksuory vi aociDy fiuu Jsu- daughter Jane Ellen Mr and Mrs Roy Ellsworth Lane of 711 Adams street daughter Jennifer Merle Mr and Mrs Melvin Jeff Roberta of 1518 Craig evenue daughter Vickie Lynn Mr ana Mrs Meredith Wamsley "daushtar avenue William Dean Ward 28 minutes North Elliott street prematurity Mary Clara Weigel 84 109 West Maryland street aenerallzrd carcinomatosis Addis Hopkins 81 1127 Adams avenue coronary occlusion Fred Harrison Henn 88 2857 Ede- (rood drive cerebral hemorrhage Joseph A Sltsman 58 801 Lemrke avenue ventral hernia Mararet Lamey 73 204 Northwest 1310 South Fairlawn Elizabeth Anne mostly $1 lower with extreme heavies more than $1 off Canner cutter and utility cows wre to 2 off and vealers weak to mostly $1 lower Barrows gilts and sows were mostly 25 to 50 cents higher Slaughter lamhs were weak to mostly $1 lower and ewes were steady Hog Prices Gain 25 Cents at Chicago CHICAGO Jan 16 Mi-Outside order buyers again were dominant in the hog market sy and packed prices up another 25 cents a hundred pounds Once their orders were filled however taking more than half the salable supply the trading pace slacked off heavily Cattle were steady to weak and sheep steady to 50 cents lower lambs suffering the decline Most barrows and gilts sold wuiiwdb kxbiir (ftma DW1U ry nefanoant neiaulied entry iuruuiteu Arthur Freer vs jMtgena wails et Price subject to change without notice I JS Clear wool 45e lb: fine lui Jkcoo lb ellghtly bum 3c lb: hard burry I ((odMt kuiiM Wu Hie 22e lambs 3te lb burry lambs reqturuia to maae com- HBRBS Wild ginseng more specific motion stt ior arau- niy jaeoi tiaa 38c lb ROOTS AND 31380 lb) yeUow root 8178 lb ROOTS 1350 lb) 7'iw- Charles Raddan niVirtENOR DECLARED (R Thornton A MrKinnaat 'nek Bale Period Payobl p*rnrd ii-sy Oil 30r March 30 Fab 6 51544-1535: 4 Mr and Mrs Frank Leon Wright Jr of 031 Monroe avenue son James Alan Mr and Mrs Clyde Robert Breltwleser of Lakeshare drive son Mitchell Robert Mr and Mrs Francis Simon Rainey of 2811 Culterson avenue daughter Glenda Jr Mr and Mra William Edward Wright Ed wand Nortl V1U drive eon Bruce Mr and Mrs Walter Tony Bunch ef Je'anette Fsye Leavel eight days 431 Newburgh son Welter David Oak strict bronchopneumonia Mr and Mrs Charles Henry Grady of) Herman Douglas Barefoot 3 Griffin 1708-D Eait Michigan street son Charles Ind pneumonia Randall I John Adam Koenig 83 722 East Louis- Mr and Mr Howard Manson Williams lana street cerebral thrombosis Seventh street virus pneumonia Russell Francis Busam 32 111! Vann avenue ncephalomaltcla Gordon Thome Smalllne five months 310 Southeast Ninth street virui pneumonia William Andrew Kelly 00 FoserviUe cerebral hemorrhage Anna Turner 80 Earllnglon Ky generalized metastasis carcinoma tl435-l37t boar til- "(Tattle Estimated receipts 700: calves estimated receipts 0: omme-rcoy to good steers and hetfera huit at sows 1675 heavier sows 13 Trimmed cured unde 48 li fbi 'n7c1lbr cured Naomi steddan nxi oat vacated reset for jan 33 Delores wmitn vs Cnester Han Jeianaaut detau chalca (20-2 PRODUCE MARKETS BUTTEB (Bv Meal Faro Milk Co I Four-tn-ona wholesale lie no chant PUL'ITRK MARKET (Prlras as paid he on lee I dealer yss-terday) subject to choosa Iadov) Heavy hens 330 fryers (arm run Kbostsra Oeesa (heavy) "mL i William French Jr 12 543 South Fares Hndakln dixease Wilson 70 424 Cans! street hypertensive cardlo-vasculer disease Walter Clinton Iversen 71 057 Aouth oouleverd pyelonephritis Alfred Bauehn 60 004 Lohoff avenue generalised arteriosclerosis MMflr-d File 78 17 go'iheast ICB A BRUNE CO 1 1933 Franklin 3 Phono 4-7077 PRODUCE The finest silage possible to make in a MARTIN STEELIIIT SILO Especially designed far grass silage Malta highest quality silage from earplug pasture next spring Outlasts nil ethers Made nf lilicenixed Steel 30 year written guarantee 36 months ta pay fHA TUMS Immediate delivery STEEL BUILDING SALES INCORPORATED Everett Lawrence McCiesbey Martin Dietrict Representative PHONE 10F 12 HAUBSTADT IND Smith fh' green e'alfT lie hprsehirie ciSmef'v William Coomts Lor-bul'l 5e ubf? pon'es andluei tliis111 ImNiely sppears for neienoant agraen DDrc irCMcTe caroiyn Wynn vs Richard Wynn trlai MARRIAGE LICENSES amM Hiiuck vi WUUaa Hulick Truman Lynns 42 of 1333 Fountsln ave-Druu riai trial c*ntiuueu to Jan its nue to Helen Fehrenbacher 31 of 801 North iuuna iaarle jsrowiuna vs inomas Fifth avenue Browning contempt vacated Edward Buchanan 34 of Camp reck-1 ioya suen vs Ernest Rose et al in -idee Ky to Maude Roberta 32 of I uctut cute sueciai iippear- 1303 North Evan avenue anca ior oelendanl Ernest Note aiut iue Henry Parish 27 of 312 West Drlswsre I motion to uustu street to Dorothy Parish 34 of 827 South I ioyd suen va Ernest Rosa al ai Governor street same Barthol Helton 32 of Terre Haute to "Jeel Rich va Ernest Rosa at al LLvanlenrett 30 of to Mildred Mas Bolin Louia Las Bohn 30 Sr 783 Division treet SSSint to Avanell Kissel 25 of 783 Division Sunnays muuter to hva custody cniio Edgar Fenton NEW TORK COTTON MARKET Voune aucks Common plseons each Evas current reccipu of 1616 Jackson Ave son Howard Man-son Mr and Mr Ross Larend Compton of 3525 Adams avenue son Donald Louis Mr and Mrs Carlas Raymond Gonter-man of 302 Bond street daughter Can-dare Dean Mr and Mra Henry Raben of Hoing road daughter Jennifer Lean Mr and Mn Dale Melkranz of 724 East Vlrtlnla street daughter Patay Sua Mr and Mrs Ernest Charles Carroll of Chandler daughter Mary Kay Mr and Mrs James Milton Hall of 1013 East Cass avenue daughter Linda Carol Mr and Mrs James Milton Hall et 1013 East Csaa avenua daughter Linda Carol Mr and Mra Charles Robert McDonald of 431 Adams street son Charles Rodney Mr and Mn Joseph Wright of Chandler daughter Audrey Lea Mr and Mn Donald Sanford Scarlett of 10 Meyer avenue daughter Rebecca Lynn Mr and Mrs Marion Rowley of Oakland City son Michael Lee Mr and Mn Norman John Ulrich nf street John Alvord Dr 10th John 0 Zubrod DEMIST CITIZEX8 BANK BULBING Floor Phone 5-63BS TnmsviLLis Ky Jan 0 Ttm utility and com-merclaL 513-15 Canner and cutters 55-1350 Little else an effer Calves 400 Vesler trade weak te 1 lower Cholca and prime 30-37 Top 137 sparingly Commercial and good 52130 Weighty slaughter calves warce fesdy ro weak Chrtce and prim 530-35 Commercial and good (16-20 Sheep 200 Nominally steady Quotable fat lamb top 523 Slaughter ewes IS d0Hoit 1400 Barrows and glltt 34C pounds down 35 ta 50 rents higher Sows scarce steady to strong Choice 110-840 pound butchers 119-1950: letter price for uniform weightier lota 100-330 pounds Outlet uneven for prime weightier bu (chert Choice 245-440 pound 110-1175 Chotre sows 600 pounds down 115-10 50 Few boars 110 down By Thomsen rShonCN0raT $1750 to $1950 and sows 1 sic from $1525 to $1675 Outside of a few head ot choice steers at $2800 and a load of mixed good and choice steers at $2500 ihe cattle market was pretty much a low grade affair Cotvs could do no better than $1600 and bulls $1900 Vealers held at $3100 and below The best native Iambs received $2200 a hundred pounds low-et peak for a January since 1946 Most Rood and choice offerings were $2000 to $2100 and fed year-lings were at $1800 Ewes were steady at $850 and below Offered for public sales were and 1500 sheep Shippers look 7000 of the hog run 15c 350 to 35c CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE Thomsen A MrKInnen Jan March Jan Sept CINCINNATI CINCINNATI Jan prlcri FOB Cincinnati rates Included consumer gradre A large white 49-5l)r brown and mixed 47-4Br: A medium white 45-47r: brown and mixed st-td'n-: wholesale grades rxtrss large minimum 00 per rent A qnalltv white 44-41r: brown and mixed tt-STr: cur-ten rereipte uses exrhsneeri 40-41r Pnuliry fryers rommrrclallv ernwn SI wr 39-30r: heavy hens 24-20e lieht 17-10r: roosters 15-lSe Butter wholesale 73r Mrs slauitm luce modou auu amoavit rot Close Sang at venue TTmit names Posey Warrick nnu A McKinnon Hieh Loa 3255 3305 3343 3350 3355 3285 3335 3311 33-74 3350 March May July Oct Dec WM 33 20 liJSSSS: main till -Tikes uibaou Ym trlk wlrrick causa vnua to 1 Dorothy EUIeldar va Chester Eis- feiaer atvorva piatnmi akuImmI Ou oaorUi irioraifta fc Awiiana wa ftUiams t-umpany nm ior chauss Ol tenue iront cuuuw FRODITE onul steadv: hoeale buying prirrs irrdsfYnt rore rent 52 aw ta i r--: 0 Rag steady recripU mMfl: whnietsle Activities on Wall Street By THOMSON M'KINXON News and views New York Central railroad's net income for last year is estimated at $245 million or $380 a common share according to a recent statement by its president This compares with $147 million or $228 report- I1IT2VEY HILL STOKER The oiled stoker coal that doe away with coal duet and heavy cKnkurs Hava CLEAN SURE HEAT When Yea Need It LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Livestock Market reeerted VFrrPw A ericlt ere 100: Lieht aupplv slaughter fi Jnt aupplv slaughter COIKOXA HEATIXG CO buving prices unchanged excent on ow Vk duxen hiBiier U' 'VL Phan Mill 1711 Prank Rn Jurors to be drawn Jan 31 (Prebate Dlvielen) Estates Philip Vaughn iinal report set for hearts Feb 0 Mamie Cornlck Inventory filed petition for partial distribution approved entry petition to determine inheritance tax appraiser appointed Walker Cummin additional Inventory filed Ruth Greenfield petition to settle estate after tlx months approved entry appralier tiles report set (or hearing Feb 8 Barnard Strouse appraiser's report art tor hearing Feb 9 Peter Keller same record Anna Schneider same record Roy Letch game record REAL F9TATK TRANSFER John Case and wife to Geera Korb jr and wife lot 3 Picardy 61 John Llnacs and wife to Ezra I Brock and wife lota 13-14-1 block 6 Glen-wood 41 Burr Lambert and wife to Frank Wi rohrer and wife lot 4 block 3 Oxford plare 61 WUllam Doxsea and wife to Norval Bilik' ana wife perl ne-nw -16-5-10 (1 Gerhard Koch and wife to Joseph Brown and wife Jot 3 part 3 Vierlin park tl Walter Bowers and wife to WUUaa Hots lot 33 Sixth avenue place (1 Ruby Brown to Arthur Miller and wife lot 14 part 13 block 1 Kenslnlore Mason Weir and wife to Clyde Polk and wife lot 10 block A Iroquois ardeni 61- Rolltn Edward Ball and wife to John Milllan and wife part lot I subdivision 61 John Bareli and wife to Maral Allard and wife lot 7 block 1 Oak Summit 1 Otto Grabert and wife to Oereld Hart and wife lot 3 block 5 North park el sizable near-term maturities is offering to purchase $30 million of its outstanding development and central 6 6 and 4 per cent bonds which come due April 1956 The issues involved are currently selling at substantial premium prices and the price offer approximates recent quotations for the issues MINNESOTA MINING AND Manufacturing Co has announced purchase of a 125-acre tract close to St Paul Minn on which it plans to start construction shortly of the first unit of a multi-million dollar research project Its research activity has enabled it to expand its product line from sandpaper to more than 1000 diversified items in the last 50 years KAUFMANN cS years and it reflects in aaiM-'VioV! canner around a large measure not only better XblT hiVind height rates but the progress of utFo? 'the I iaboQt 55 per cent completed The steerll ilnd Wee states that the board of fuen £ePu believes that it is neccs- io ib n(? sary to utilize the better earn- Evans va Herman Davis al oeienua'nt lues nuuou to ensue venue irom county deieuuant jy WoouVsru fj -Sla-ftST? com Dorothy William UUeyde-Isnnauv apjesrs in r01 uisuitui SSi'iSSTn01 bVtnrv Jeurey otuenusnt Holloway fenaanv deiauttad nhpr Jonas plain- uTS AiUmTnd' vs Kobrt Jon Arnold 2to0crt Jon Plain-tifx appears oy eoiuuei atks inv toaamary It's Completely WEATHER SEALED Each frame la belli far particular euening is (be eteseat l10th ef ss Inch The result Is a reltle-uresf traa-ble-free eembiaetlen wlndaw that Is cemulelely weather-aeaL ALL IV HATH Ell ex: ii i slues 1231 MAXWELL AVE PHONE 6-1551 heavies more than siOO off canner cutter ni' cows mostly 8100 lower com-bulls 80 eenta to 1 bulk cholca steers SISf JJ" lbS or J1 Pro4 82800- load mosrly eholre around J09 J004 choice 21 V25 5d good trade mostly 21 nq- 2300 choir relfera 600 lbs down 82480- 3700 trurk lots heifers aver 00 lbs ings for the reduction of debt financing of the remainder of the dieselization program raise the standard of maintenance and make such other capital expenditures as are absolutely necessary This would indicate that the dividend woula waicaie u81 aiviacnn STORM WINDOWS trading mostly choir 2400 goodta iow (Sv nli 1 c'011 11 'Ji to tew good policy of the company will continue to be on a conservative basis for an indefinite period 22 50 tnfsrtorjind common sis: CAL Veelcre weak CITY COURT RECORDS St! Stewart 81 of Stale hospllal orderly rondm-i pica of iiilty fined 25 and eneis gerteneed tn 30 day Sylvaster Brlody 29 of 1213 South Jurisnn el -et disnrderlv conriiici plea of guilty sentonre withheld untlj Jan 31 7 Joseph Hearn 28 nl Camp reek-in ride Ky disorderly conduct pies of ere re o--: Earl Clirton Sheridan II of IDAS Boeke read drunken driving re-set for trial Jan fart Reintnaa 38 nf a vlolat-1n stale mntnr law lorertailnq and pass-n" reret fo- trial Feb 10 Walter Lauderdale 3 of Dale vtolat- flit iiai 171014 Ib (oirriTphti bma of Chandler rirunk- jii Amins fined Sd and costs sentenced ta 19 days days suspended llrense on William Berknel Moore 37 of 421 Southern inlrd street pielunlnsry rharce of grand larceny hearlne velvet defendant ilcd MTaa dr bond set at I-oulse Nanry Pitta 41 ef Louisville Ky PTiimmary charge of grand larceny game FF OTq Jame( Blackford 3 of 184 Routh Third e-eniie drunkenness plea oi guilty finrd 10 and costs sentenced to 0 days days suspended Jnscnh Garden Hlaainson 33 ef 3020 West Mlchlean street drunkenness plea of lull -e record William Steoles 54 drunkenaess plea ef "t-- 'n -i ami rits Andrew Jackson Durham 00 of 1028 Fast Feta Brlody to Edward PoweU and wife lota 4-5 Weedlawn 51 100 agar to mostly choice and prims aearea INTERNATIONAL SHOE CO in making its report on a consolidated basis for the first time js-so shows for the fiscal year ended higher: cholca i 3 and 3 from3 jftvajo'Nov 30 1952 earnings equal to toj harrow and 616 00-1550 the S244 a (' so price for choice 1 and 3 around -L -i around common share compared Earnings Statements (By Thomson 5 MeKInnea) ADAMS EXPRESS CO (Reaerts tor year ended Dee SI) Net assets per share 64107 64050 CHASE NATIONAL BANK (Year ended Dee 31) Share Earn 9348 eeai DELAWARE HUDSON RR Nov net Income 8 543587 8434387 11 Moo net Income 84 833 028 84-181588 EVFRSHARP INC (5 Mae ended Nee Ml Com Shr Earn 1103 1109 DRT GOODS NEW TORK Jan tAPl-Actlrlly was slow the cation textile market today' OUR BETTER AKHAIV IJ1LTR Superior 7 Qunlhy loads choice mostly eraund 10-310 lbs (1000-1175 330-240 lbs 1 (1300-11(75 270-' vli L7 lbs (1750-1000 1360-17 bulk rholec sows f'V'-1 5'- few choice llshtwelehts 61850-1 extreme hearlea 11400 bean 000- with $261 in the preceding year against $225 million in the comparable period It was stated by the company that the decrease in military sales amounted to 268 million for fiscal 1952 compared ivith fiscal 1951 Civilian sales in- arnes deienaant iU sfffeS'ssbflr -lur Tg prank Bitter plaintiff Ywelva jurors excused for euse: Dwember "LOANS on HOMES Savings Insured ta $10000 HOWELL SAVINGS ASSOCIATION SOM Braedway Fh 5-1101 Ziemer Funeral Home Pint At pad Delaware It PAUL Pauline Louise 1:00 A Sr Bat at residence of father-ln-law Frank A Paul 7 Bt Wendell Continued at 0:30 AM at Bt Wendell's Catholic Church The (ralrt Dirnltv nf a ZIEMER 1 1 SERAI 5KR7ICR le fenduried In a Manner Befitting the Tribat Yea Wish te Bestew AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 5-8135 SIXTH INGLE "'ii'0" 0r popular equar pnY1 clSM 90 square print cloth for second: Donald Arnold 33 504 South Warner stndvr'ehmce ftoto noror law fa II ire Ifrce Sumeblr 90 th? I MM price for nrlme under ll lbs good te low 5- to low good eu" 5700-10 00: ewes 53 00- grant rlehl-nf-eayl fined (5 end costs Jamra Ruscher 31 of Fnrdsville Ev erkless dr rekleM driving pica ol tuUty lined packingcompanyinc t(v and eoets Quarter delivery at 20 cents a yard off cent from recent levels Some resale of the papular 00 sauare print cloth sold for spot delivery at 32 cent a yard This gas cent under ffillli ideas 1 mately 10 per cent SOl THEliV RAILWAY AS A further step in taking care of its 39J5lH) Ietr vriro for cholc' UhtweiVhu: I For toe Week: Slaughter Umba weak.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.