Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (2024)

Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (1)

My brother-in-law, Quan, is not an avid cook. He's a rabid eater who can chow down (or mow through) any food he likes. He can also be brusque about his likes and dislikes. He adores super crispy pan-fried noodles. One time, when we were dining out and the noodles arrived a soggy bed, he turned to the waiter and said, "Can you ask the kitchen to burn the noodles?"

I understood what he wanted — for the noodles to spend more time in the pan, so they gently cook to a crunchy, crispy pan-fried noodly goodness. The resulting noodle pancake will provide a wonderful contrast to the saucy stir-fry topping that's plopped on top. Restaurants, particular Asian ones, are often in a hurry to fill customer orders and send food out. They don't have time to do the long frying, even when you request extra crispy noodles as I've learned to do when placing my order with the wait person.

What's the solution? Make your own. I kid you not. It's easy and to prove that I'm providing a master recipe plus a video to guide you through it.

Note: In Vietnamese, pan-fried Chinese-style noodles are called mì xào dòn ("mee sow zohn"); chow mein is the common Cantonese term.

Choosing the Noodles

You can use thin noodles for a Hong Kong style noodle but I really prefer a thicker noodle for extra crispiness. Ideally, you'd use freshly made, medium size (about ⅛-inch thick), Chinese-style wheat noodles, which may or may not have egg in them. At Asian markets, look for spaghetti-size noodles in the refrigerated section of the market -- where dumpling wrappers are stocked. At my go-to Lion market in San Jose, the noodles I favor are sold in humble plastic bags.

Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (2)

The above noodles freeze like a dream! I had these frozen for 2 months and they thawed perfectly, thanks to the coating of flour and starch that the manufacturer coated the strands with. I typically buy 2 or 3 packages at a time to stock up.

Dry noodles are a second option. They're super convenient because dry noodles store well in a pantry. At Asian markets, Quon Yick is excellent and made in America, in a town located east of Los Angeles. A box of Quon Yick lasts for years so you can always make noodly dishes on a whim.

Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (3)

At mainstream supermarkets, look for dried noodles labeled "egg noodle" and/or "lo mein" in the Asian food section. The seimen above are a little small but will work. Look for Rose or Wel-Pac brands. Square or round shaped noodles fry up nicely. Flat noodles won't give you as much loft in your crispy pan-fried noodle pancake. Fresh spaghetti pasta would work in a pinch.

Crispy Pan-Fried Noodles Video

Here's my video tutorial to help you master crispy pan-fried noodles. Extra tips plus full recipe are below for you to keep in your back pocket.

Pan-fried Noodle Make-Ahead Tips

I typically pan-fry the noodles and stir-fry my topping as the noodles finish up. However, the noodles will hold in the skillet for about 30 minutes. You can always reheat them in the pan.

You may also slide them onto a rack and keep them warm in an oven set to warm (check on them so they don't dry out). If by the time you need the noodles, they're a little soft, just re-fry them for a spell, flipping them over to ensure you get double crispiness.

Panfried Noodle Topping Options

Aim for something that's saucy but not soupy. That's because you want to coat your crispy panfried noodles with flavor without turning them soggy.

Start with the tomato beef chow mein recipe mentioned in the video. The topping is straightforward which means you you can focus on mastering the noodles. Don't like beef? Use boneless skinless chicken thigh instead!

If you'd like to stay in the classic Chinese-American mode, consider making sweet and sour pork and letting it land on a pillow of pan-fried noodles. On VWK, you'll find my air-fried sweet and sour pork,Instant Pot sweet and sour porkand anold school deep-fried sweet and sour pork!

Create your own topping -- sort of! To tinker, take your favorite stir-fry and make it with extra sauce -- with ½ to ⅔ cup of chicken broth that you've seasoned however you have to do it for the stir-fry; during the thickening part of the cooking, thicken it with 2tablespoonscornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons broth. That's how I'd experiment.

Now it's time for you to go at those noodles!

Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (5)

Print Recipe

Crispy Pan-Fried Noodles

Source noodles from an Asian market or regular supermarket. Check the main post for tips and options!

Course: Main Course, noodles

Cuisine: Chinese

Keyword: noodles, pan-fried

Servings: 4


  • 8 ounces medium Chinese noodles fresh or thawed, or 5 ounces dried Chinese noodles
  • Fine sea salt
  • ½ teaspoons toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 3 tablespoons neutral oil, such as canola or peanut


  • Cook the noodles in a large pot of boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes, or until cooked but still firm. Gauge doneness by taste testing since package direction may be vague or incorrect. Drain, flush with cold water, and drain again. Transfer to a large plate or baking dish. Gently toss with a scant ½ teaspoon salt and the sesame oil, and then spread the noodles out to dry and cool. Once the noodles are cool, they are ready for panfrying. Or, you may put them in an airtight container or zip-top plastic bag and refrigerate them overnight; bring them to room temperature before panfrying.

  • Now, panfry the noodles: Heat 1 ½ tablespoons of oil in a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the noodles and spread them out into a large, flat pancake. Add the water, cover, and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until they have softened. Uncover and panfry the noodles, undisturbed, for 4 to 6 minutes, or until they are a nice crunchy brown on the bottom. As the noodles crisp, they will move in a solid mass when you shake the skillet handle. Gather up your confidence, take a deep breath, and flip the noodles over with a confident sharp jerk of the skillet handle. (Or be safer and flip the noodles onto a plate or lid then slide them bake into the skillet.) Dribble 1 ½ tablespoons of oil into the pan, adding it at the rim. Fry the second side for 5 to 7 minutes.

  • While the second side of the noodle pancake fries, make the stir-fry! To serve, slide the finished noodle pancake out onto a large serving plate. Use kitchen scissors to cut it into 6 to 8 wedges. Crown with your topping and enjoy!


Check the Make-Ahead tips and watch the video for extra information!

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Master Crispy Pan-fried Noodles Video Recipe - Viet World Kitchen (2024)


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