Pottsville Republican from Pottsville, Pennsylvania (2024)

FIVE page rni POTTSVILLE, EVENING REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1937 PAGE DEATHS I FUNERALS I in i ii mi i iibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmibbbbbbbbbs bbt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbmbSbW bb! bsbS bS bbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS MrJ. Katharine GsllRfber Weitt's Entire Stock of This Season's New -nne Gallagher nee of the late James 'ormer resident 01 sr. a. home. 315 Schuyl- a lull' vjer home, 315 Schuyl- 19s MMSli xwv i iJWi-scHALL The funeral of Ray Gottschall, of 245 Union was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Rev. H. W. piller 2i D- rector 01 Trinity Ipiacopai Church, conducted the services It the home and also at the grave in the I. O.

O. F. Cemetery. The pall bearers were: Thomas Shoener, Walter Schumacher, Robt Dunkin. Jos.

Hobba, Chas. Smith and Enoch Farlow. T. D. Bergen was the funeral director.

Tuesday eveniiut. had been in failing 3 years and was the past year. 'ared in St. Clair, she '-en in Pottsville tor She was a devout Patrick's Church and that yoaj war giac to pay IM for! TO GO AT 0E RIDiCULOUS LOW PRICE ONLY ed. as.

Gallagher, a of the Reading sJr'- her in death a blbh bbswsbIbbbbbl SR bSbb Ba I bbbbS aaaB wsBal BHYBaaeB Vl jl ii sbbbLw bIHbkbbR BraBLi sP." Vw a5aw bbSw' hbI bhbS BSsbI bsb bsbbh I bbbbb sBaasMte saiR kS23fcrV BBi sfl Wr 11 BH BBBfl B' Bti BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHB BBVAl bbbbbbbbbbbbL I 1 aao. and to survive r.ejpn. Johxu who is Reading R. R. paa- JOHN McGOVERN The funeral of John McGovem.

of Sch. Haven, was held from the D. M. Bittle fun-eral home, Sch. Haven, Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock.

High mass of requiem was celebrated in St Ambrose Church at 10 o'clock by Father John Shalvey, who also performed the rites of absolution and officiated at the grave in the parish cemetery. The pall bearers were: Harry Has-kins. Wm. Briggrnan, Albert McGovem, John Gallagher, Daniel Casey, and Thos. McKeon.

0 be held Friday :r.ass in St Patrick's rment in St. Mary's "We-" c- Clair Q.g-r. the funeral direct- Chas. Litwaiti FORMER GORDON Frm Scores of Newest Popular Style RESIDENT Dl twaiti 51, of Gftberton. Ft Springs Hospital fternoon.

He was a miner and a member of St. Maizeville. rtve leaves his wife of Gilberton, "kittt in Ashland. will be held Satur- -h mass in St. Lewis iri interment in the pariah and Colors SUk Crepe rgancft SHk CrPorrtttM GOOD SCOUT.

This gay looking: oldster, all dressed np, is Lord Baden-Powell, the oririmlor of the worldwide Boy Scont movement TIMS FOR CHOW. Scenes like taUs are common these days when fanners are working long nonrs make th moat of tb years crop. The ohwk waoa with Mi weieoow pot ol ho ooflee looks pretty rood, especially when a pretty girl does the serrtng. It's a wheat hmrreat seeae at Rheaae, Texan. ChlffoM Print Nets Sofkka Shens PaAteai Weiss' 8 Open 411 Day Thursday iewicz, of Shenandoah, "loeral director.

Has Infected Knee LeRsy T. Fasold. son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy F.

Fasoid of 619 W. Arch St is disabled, the result of an injury to his rifht knee, received playing ball. The patient is associated with the compensation department of the P. R. C.

HAZLETON BUS Ira WHand -x Sand: S2, a former resi-' aertsn. who had been Deer Lake for the past general office building. Besides her husband, a former Ashland boy, who has been working in Washington for the past several years, she is survived by her two weeks old daughter. Patricia Ann, her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. John Yeager, one sister, Helen, R. and a brother, at home. The baby was baptized Sunday and a reception was held at the Yeager home, Sunday afternoon and evening. Frank S.

Burke of Ashland, is the funeral director. fd in the Jefferson He was a patient MECHANICSVILLE BUS LINE Apparently seized with a heart attack, while cirinf for her two weeks old daughter, Mrs. Bernard Mehlbaum, 21, of Washington, D. was found dead across her bed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John Yeager, Gordon, on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mehlbaum, who was the former Alma Yeager, had been visiting at the home of her parents, for the past three months, and gave birth to her first child at the Ft. Springs Hospital two weeks ago. She had recovered and took short walks with her husband, who returned to Washington, Monday.

Tuesday afternoon she went to the second floor to tend to the baby and when she failed to return and her parents looked for her, they found her dead. Mrs. Mehlbaum was born and reared in Gordon. She attended the Gordon schools and graduated from the Ashland High School and from the Ft Springs Hospital with the class of 1938. She was a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church of Gordon, when a resident there, and had been living in Washington since last fall.

tor two weeks. wife the former Edith Jobe td three years ago ana two sons, Ivan Be it snd Delbert, Easton. f-jneral will be held from Mrs. Cora Brown of I uerrer Friday morning, with LEAVES SHENANDOAH FROM HOTEL rULGl'gON. CORNER MAIN AND CENTRE STREFTS OAILT Leaves SHENANDOAH 10 00 A.

2 00 00 aL Leaves HAZLETON 11 00 A 3110 P. 830 P. 85. SUNDAYS Leaves SHENANDOAH 10 00 A fct and 830 P. aL Leaves HAZLETON 11 00 A and 7.00 P.

M. CONNECTIONS WUkaa-Barre. Pottsville. rrcckvUle, GtrantvUle. Ashland, ad Carmel.

Shamolnn and WUllamsport. New round -trlD rates between Shenandoah and Hasleton si 38 there for Prackvtlle and Pottsville on est bound trips denotes connection at Maizeville for Mahanoy City from Frackvllle and Pottsville, DIVISION No. MAHANOY CTTY1JACXSONS-SHENANDOAH Buses leave Mahanoy City for Shenandoah via Jaeksons T. 8. 1130, 1830.

330. 430. a Buses leave Shenandoah for Mahanoy City via Jaeksons 8 30. T30. 9 S0, U30 1.

4, 5. 830. 11. NOTE: This mark Indicates Church Buas basest the Fairview Leme- b. gfr4L eH bbkI fl I lanMuir Leavtr.g winner's, lower and of UechanlcsvUIe, 835 A at 7 13 M.

and every half hour thereafter up to and Including 15 P. M- Arrtve Centre Street 8 43 A 7 38 A BL and every hour thereafter Lv. Centre sv tor Mechanloa-vule. A aC and every hall bour thereafter. Last trip 11 or P.

M. Arrive at Mechar.lesvllle A 11 and every half hour Port Carbon Benefit to be Held Thursday A benefit card party will be held Thursday evening instead of Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Fisher of Port Carbon for the benefit of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Pt.

Carbon. 3f Tower City, is the I Aasral Sireetor John J. Cleary Seary, 5. a life long Joliett. died in the Hospital Tuesday after- r-r- j- 4 dock following an op-He was admitted to the two weeks ago.

leery was born and reared I of the late Wm. and lifter: aa a 2'" (tea Xing Cleary. He ployed as an electrician at until four years ic -hat time was a he time he was ENGINE ROOM. Capt. Harold E.

Grey (left), only 31, has commanded Clippers on trans-Pacific flights for the past year and is a seasoned pilot in ocean flying. Seated with him here in the control room of the plane is W. S. De Lima, first officer. iy a member of Our Lady too Church, Keffers.

To sur-'leaves wife, the former BBfcB BBf z.bI Hc BBt ik VJBI BK al BbW b1 9 mVil bKv' Ki 'Sal laKsaat'' Sbbbm i.i.'t lnnlfBB-H-a and these children: ireenbury; Richard, six broth- VCnersviUe: of Is CONGRESS, hvr 4.177 a Andrew and Keffers; Leo, and ten Chas. Mitchell raren-. Mrs. Jas Bittle, Tarn. A BIG SALE OF MEN'S HIGH-GRADE FOOTWEAR Over 2000 pair of fine high grade Oxfords from a prominent retail store of Washington, D.

C. on sale in basem*nt. BROWNS, BLACKS, SPORTS $7 $8 $9 $10 and $12 Grades B3d Mrs Murphy. Phila. it rtaen held Friday i in Our Lady of tea Keffers.

and lnter-ass Immaeolata Conception Jdffrr Trem.or.t. I. MiEr.ii Tremont is the fu- CWFER IN EFFORT TO THE hopes and plans of ottr to fbood a trm democracy took shape in the OPEN KINGSTON MINE of Ladepeasdeoce, It CJ July 7 (P5 Kingston Coal 3i United Mine1 i a and Recon-1 nance Corporation of-j 4 -rday in the first of nferenoes to discuss I reduced Davments jfaaa OC Sizes 5 to 8 and 9V2 to 1 2 bM AAA to and Widths ttWf loan of $450,000 to STILL A FIGHTER. Tour grand-dad knew Jake Kilrain as a gladiator when fighters went 75 rounds or so, and nsed their bare fists. Jake's still fighting', this time against disease at Quincy, Mass.

Seventy-eight now, he wants to nuke 80. Until Further Notice MINERS VILLE HECKSCHERVILLE BUCK RUN BUS SCHEDULE 5:44 A. M. 6:25 A. Si.

7:26 A. Of. 8:00 A JM. 18:30 A. Bf.

P. fit. 2:04 P. jjv P- 6:05 P. M.

5:30 P. Bf- Uo P. P. bL St took long years of straggle to mould the ongmtl states Into a unifiecl naQotL, bat ptnutcrcr a it usually doea won in the end. And persistency stil earns its own reward.

Wha.tr vei goal yon sac in Kfc can be attained more will ssstpersistssd Isn't right now the best onae to iVo Size S1 2 or 9 Except Narrow Widths a is a step towards collieries which em-Bnen. They have May. Any man wearing a small or a large size should not fail to attend this extraordinary DIED event. Prominent manufacturers are well represented in this sale. a Pottsvllie.

on Tun-' Katherine Shanahaa, wife of the aghet. frtendi of the family to attend the Bren Fun-5 Centre Street. Potts-: -r-mg at 9 o'clock. of Requiem in St. rcP 9 30 o'clock.

Thursday evening, alary Cemetery, SCHUYLKILL TRANSPORTATION CO. Weekday Schedule Effective May 10, 1937 Subject to Change. MAHANOY CITY SHINANDOAH GIRARD VILLI ASHLAND ZHA CXVTLLE PnTTSVILLE: Schuylkill Trust Company 1 Leave Mahanoy City for Shenandoah 6 :30 and every hour thereafter till 11.30. and every hour thereafter till .55. ana Pottsville, Pa.

Leave Shenandoah for Glrartlvlile then 8:55. 9 35. 10.:55. Leave Glrardvllle for Ashland 7:25 and every hour thereafter till 7 .33. then Lots of narrow and extra narrow widths are here for the man who is hard to fit Hospital, on Jota J.

Cleary. eari "J5 of the family 1 to attend the oma In Joliett. 3 30 o'clock. High in Our Lady of -e-? 9 o'clock. In-J -ar Conception i'j Pa on H.

Christ. Hi of the family to attend the nt at 9 30 from ighter and son- ames Eames. maqua High mass Jeromes Church. gnt in St. John's CAPITOL BUS CO.

Pottsville Pine Grove Harrisbnri NEW SCHEDULE 9:25. 10:25. 11:25. Leave Ashland. 3rd St for rrackville 7:30.

8:30. 8:30. 10:30. 11:30, 13:30. 1:30, 3:10, 4:30.

5:30 6:30. 7:30. 9:30. 10:30. 11:30.

Leave Frackvllle, Oak for Pottsville 8 :00, then hourly till 3:00. than 4:00. 6:00. 7: 00. 8:00, 10:00.

11:00. Leave Pottsville. PRR Station, for Frackvllle 8:38. 9:30. 10 30.

11:30. 1238, 130. 2 :30, 4.30. 5:30, 7:30. 8:38.

10:30. 11:30. Leave Frackvllle. Oak for Ashland. 3rd St.

:00 9:00. 10 11:00. 120. 1:00. 2:00 3:00, 5:00.

8:00, 9:00. 11:00, 13:00. Leave Ashland. 3rd St. for Glrardvllle 7:20.

9:30, hourly till 3:30, then 330. 6:30. 8:30. 9:30. 11:30.

12:30. Leave Glrardvllle. Julia for Shenandoah 7 :30, 9:36. hourly tin 338, than 5:35. 6:35.

730. 8:33. 9:35. 1135. 12:35.

Leave Shenandoah. Main Sc Centre, for Mahanoy City 838. 10:05, hourly tnl 4:05, then 5 00. 6:05. 7:05.

8:00. 9:05. 10 05. 110, 12:05. 15.

MAHANOY CITY-MA HANOY PLANT GIRARDVTLLX ASHLAND LOCUST-DALE Leave Mahanoy City for Mahanoy Plane 6:00. 60. 7:00. 12:00, 10, 30, 40. Xffeoaive saVay 154m, vtn Plenty 6, 6V2, 7, 7Vz and 10, IOV2, 5:00 9:00.

130. 330. 430 for Glrardvllle 5 30, 6:15, 7 20. 12.20. Plane Leave Mahanoy datlt iscv mrv a sunday It.

FutBiiMlu far SaWaSjSese A. ML, 18:48 ML, P. ML, 745 ML Lt. BUrrtsbart tor raaasitBs 8 A. ML.

1 P. ML, 5.18 F. ML. 9:15 F. Lt.

FtisHtete tor FetBuMa 18 A. ML. F. 618 P. ML, 10:15 F.

ML Lt FteefTore fee Harrtsb'f VM A. ML, 11:18 A. ML, 3:54) F. ML, F. ML TOO UTE TO CLASSIFY 5:20.

9:20. Leave Glrardvllle. Julia Street, for Ashland. 3rd St. 5 30, 6:23, 7 38, 8:30, 1235.

1:35. 4:30. 5:35. 9:35. Leave Ashland.

3rd St for 31st St. 5:35. 6:40. 7:40. 8:40.

13:40. 1:40. 2 40. 3:40. 4:40.

5:40. 6:40. 9:40. 11.30. Leave Ashland.

21st St for Locustdale 5:45, 6:45. 7:46. 8:45. 12:48. 1:45.

3.45. Terminal Bui Zone, Centre and Market Streets or 3:45. 5:45. 6:46. 9:45.

11 35. Leave Locustdale for Ashland, 3rd St. 8, 7. 8. 9, 1.

3. 5. 9:90. 11 45. ell ages, all Also Beagles.

Water (fom-atlon. Indian Run. mght man. Must be able parking. -ir.

office. 11, IIV2 and 12 Buy plenty now for next Fall and Winter. Save dollars now as shoes are going higher in price every day. John Raring Sons 48. :10, 9:10.

1.10. 2 OS. 3:10. Leave Ashland. 21st St for 3rd St 6:10, 7:10.

8 5:10. 6:03. 7:10. 10.00. 11:55 Leave 3rd Ashland, for Glrardvllle.

Julia St 8:15. 9:18. 7:40. 4:15. 7:15.

Per 10:05. 12:00. Leave Girardville. Julia for Mahanoy Plane 8 25. 930.

7:45. 135, 2 30, 430. 7:20. 6:30. 10:10, 12 5.

Leave Man. Plane for Mah. City 80. 9:35. 1:50.

2:45. 330. 430. 5 30, general house-P-'eferred. Apply bv.een 3 and 6 45.

red coral oach and Trin- -'day. Re- 10:25. 1230. MAHANOY CrTY-JACKSONS-SHENANDOAH Leave Mahanoy City for Jaeksons and Shenandoah 13:38. 4:00.

5 30, 9 00. 100. Leave Shenandoah for Jaeksons snd Mahanoy City 130. 630. 8:30.

930. 12:00. 5HZNAXTX5AH-TURKIY HUN-MAIZZVTLLE (Returning to Shenandoah) Leave Shenandoah for Turkey Run and Maiaevule 8 AO. 12 35. 435.

533. SOO. 10:25. Leave Maizeville for Turkey Run and Shenandoah 8 10, 1:10, 4:40, 6.15. 15, 10:46, NOTICE BIDS will be received by the BIyJve Township School District tor two.

43 pasenrer School Buses. iKferma-tton and specifications on the shew may be bad by caUlaf at the ofOee of the Secretary, Joseph P. Devlin, Cumboia, Pa. The board reserves the to accept or reject any or all bids. ATI bids must be in the hands of the Secretary Joseph P.

Devlin. Cumboia. Pa. on or before July 27. 1837.

Signed: JOSI3H P. DEVLIN. Secretary Blythe Twp. Scfaoo! Dtetrict. rout.

Call MM-J.

Pottsville Republican from Pottsville, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.